Welcome to the world of opportunities. The complete online service for teaching professionals in state, national and worldwide.
Those have enough qualifications and also have the passion in teaching can register here to get our service.
The registration stands for five years from the date of confirmation. Two separate windows designed to cater the service for both job seekers and the school managements (employers).The service to the school management is free of cost and if anyone needs special advertisement can send the details and the advertisement will be displayed for three months. The advertisement will be inserted in the page of opportunities.
The job seekers can register their name in the concerned area of this online service and the registration fee can be remitted in the bank account or can send the demand draft in favour of YEM KAY SERVICES. The details of the opportunities will be informed through E Mail and on urgent appointments, the CV of each candidate will be sent to the employers as per the location they demand. (All services are subjected to the availability of vacancies and also will be based on the terms and conditions.).